

Friday, August 23, 2013

(No Subject)

Email received August 22, 2013

Hola Familia,
I am having a great time over here in la Republica Dominicana. I love being a missionary. Nothing has ever made me so happy. My comps names are Elder Burgess, from Idaho, and Elder Mccombs from California. Both of them are amazing and my companionship is working tremendously. Its super hard to teach in 3{s but I am loving every step of my journey and its super good to learn because The gospel needs to be preached by the mouth of multiple people. The lord allows us to struggle to make us into who we need to be. He needs us to understand his ways are higher than our ways. Humility before the lord is the hardest lesson to learn I feel. Because things always came so easy to me I don't feel like I always did the greatest job of thanking the lord for everything. I am making up for it as best I can now. Elder Scott gave an amazing devotional last week and It was the first one foreign mtc{s were able to hear and watch with in a day of it being given. It was awesome to be a part of. I am glad stake conference was fun. Probably my favorite part of a Sunday is doctrinal class with the president. Everything must be answered in the scriptures or white bible. Oh by the way I have no way of getting stamps right now so to all who wrote me a letter thanks so much. It means the world to me and I love hearing from everybody but I have no way of sending you anything in the mail at the moment. So ya I have been exposed to so many cultures in the past little while. I get to see a lot because the ccm is also patron housing for the Caribbean. I love talking with everybody especially the little kids. With my companion obeying mission rules of course but hey love the missionaries and I shake all of their hands. They are really good examples to me. My favorites right now are the Jamaicans though. They are so funny and faithful. They are frustrated right now too because everybody else is learning Spanish and we all speak in Spanish and they can{t speak it ha but we have taught them a few basic things so they aren't always confused. I am so excited for you guys. Actually kinda freaking out because Eli started school. And it sounds like Caleb is growing up too. Elder Pena loves the picture of Caleb and Eli. As far as language goes I am progressing as the lord needs me too. I read Grandmas birthday card and It made me cry a little. I felt the spirit very strong. I am so happy the missionaries found her. We are all so blessed for that. Grandma reminds me of the Haitians actually. She has been very faithful through it all. Those guys have lived through so much and I am blessed by their examples. Tell Emma the job is going to be a blast. Its a little difficult at times but the harder she works the better. I can't really think of anything I need to be honest. I think living here has changed my perspective a lot. When we went to the store last week I saw man fill up his water ball with sewage run off and That experience mingled with several scriptures has changed my life already. I love this people. I love all the Caribbean people. I hope and pray for opportunities to serve multiple missions in this area. I look at my white shirts, pants, ties, shoes and that's all they are to me but to some other boy here those things are what all the missionaries where. They are the coolest things to them. They are rare treasures and blessings to them and I am honored and happy to leave all that i can with them to help build the kingdom even more. My departure date is September 10th. I love you all and I hope you have a great week.
Love always,
Elder Spencer W. Hulsey